Monday, November 29, 2010

Expectations for Tech Class

I would like to learn a lot from this class because I am not very good with computers. I would really like to learn more about iMovie especially. I do not know a lot about iMovie and I would like to not only use it for technology but also for other classes such as Biology. I think that iMovie would be very helpful for me. I would also like to learn how to use Garage Band. I think that this would help with my abilities to make iMovies, and I think it would be a fun application to know how to use. I would also like to learn how to organize my pictures with iPhoto. I have had trouble in the past with iPhoto. I think that knowing how to us iPhoto will help me organize my pictures. I would like to use it to upload pictures onto Facebook and other sites online. I hope to learn how to use all of these helpful applications on my Mac.