Monday, December 20, 2010

Storyboard Part I

I really liked the first part of the storyboard project. I liked this project because I got to learn how to use Keynote. I am so used to Powerpoint that I did not know if I would switch to Keynote. I think I will stick with using Powerpoint just because I feel more comfortable with it. I think Keynote may be useful in the future, but I doubt it. I also liked this project because it was pretty simple and straightforward. All we had to do was answer the questions in the instructions given to us, find pictures, and correctly cite the sources we used to find them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

iPhoto Name Project

I both liked and disliked the iPhoto name project. I liked how we learned how to use iPhoto. While leaning how to use iPhoto I also learned how use Finder in a more efficient way and how to save pictures to my desktop. This may be helpful in the future. Unfortunately, I only have a camera that uses a SD Card to connect to the computer, so I had to e-mail my self pictures from my desktop that I have at home, which means I didn't really learn how to import pictures in a productive way. I did not like how hard it was to find pictures that form letters. When you type in the search for letters in Google Images some weird pictures pop-up. I thought the iPhoto was fairly simple but finding the pictures was hard.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Charity Mail Merge

I both liked and disliked the charity mail merge project. I really liked it because I got to talk a little about St. Jude, which is a charity my dad is involved in. I really like St. Jude because my dad has told me all about what they do and what they stand for. I also liked the company that I represented, which is Nike. I disliked the project because I thought it was a little bit redundant. It seemed like I had done a lot of things like this before. Also, I did not understand the directions, so I did my complete Excel wrong, and I wrote as the charity instead of the company. Otherwise I thought the project was a useful and good project.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

M&M Project

I really liked the M&M project that we did yesterday. Not only did we get to eat the M&Ms when we were done, but we also got to learn more about Microsoft Excel. I had forgotten how to make charts and how to do the Auto Sum to add up columns. I think this will really help me in the future when I have to make charts. I also liked the M&M project because it was pretty easy to follow the directions and I like it when I do not get confused on projects like this. I do not have any second thoughts on the project because I did everything that I could to get a good grade on it. I really liked this project.